Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Friday, February 28, 2025

> Christmas 2011

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Christmas Eve and Day Services (3):
December 24th/25th, 2011

First Candlelight Service (7pm)

Candle Lighting & Prayer and carol singing

Asbury choir and congregation singing

Children's choir

Children's message given by Vickie Schaffer

Pastor John Doll

preaching on Luke 2:1-20
"A Time for Miracles"
1st Christmas Eve 7pm Candlelight Service
Sunday Sermon (cont'd) - Part 2 of 2:
Prayer led by Joe Piech

Solo special music by Kim Blinsinger

Christmas Eve music by the Asbury choir
led by director, Kim Blinsinger

choir singing with live Nativity scene

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Second Candlelight Communion Service (11pm)

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Christmas Day Sunday Service


Pastor John Doll

preaching on John 1:1-17
"What Not to Miss This Christmas"
Christmas Day 9:30am Sunday Service
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