Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Friday, February 28, 2025

> Adult Sun School

 You are invited!

Adult Sunday School


Immediately following Sunday Service
approx. 11:00 til 12:00


Fellowship Hall


A six week series beginning Oct 19th:

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Please join us for lesson and prayer . . .  



past bible study topic examples included:



Lessons condensed from “The Story; A Study of Women of the Bible” by Carol Stine

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Past lessons still viewable on the web site: 
Beginning September of 2012, Asbury UMC began a 31 week series tracing the story of the bible in chronological order from Genesis to Revelations.  The messages of pastor John Doll's sermon, children's message and adult Sunday school are coordinated so each is on the same topic each week.  To hear John's sermon, go to the Sunday sermon archives for that date.  
On this page we will offer links to the recorded video of the opening and video lesson for each week's adult Sunday school for the benefit of those unable to attend or for those who want to review that week's lesson again.  The personal discussion and sharing part of each weeks class is not recorded to protect the privacy of everyone's remarks, encouraging openness and emotional honesty in those sessions.  
Please come join us each Sunday in person at 11:15 for an hour of this amazing adventure together.  
Click on the underlined link to view that recording:
Lesson 1 (Sept 16): Genesis 1:1-2:3 - "The Story Begins with a Big Bang"  * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 2 (Sept 23): Genesis 12: 1-4 - "God Builds a Nation"  * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 3 (Sept 30): Genesis 50:15-21 - "Joseph From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh" *Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 4 (Oct 7): Exodus 1:8-22 - "Deliverance" * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 5 (Oct 14): Exodus 20:1-21 - "The Ten Commandments" * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 6 (Oct 21): Numbers 13:25-33 - "Wanderings: Israel on a Road Trip" * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 7 (Oct 28): Joshua 1:1-9 - "The Battle Begins" * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 8 (Nov 4): Judges 6:11-16 - "A Few Good Men . . . and Women" * Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 9 (Nov 11): Ruth 1:1-18 - "The Faith of a Foreign Woman"
Lesson 10 (Nov 18): 1 Samuel 8:1-10 "Standing Tall, Falling Hard" (not recorded)
Lesson 11 (Nov 25): 1 Samuel 16:1-13 "From Shepherd to King"  *Opening Remarks   * video lesson 
Lesson 12 (Dec 2): Psalm 51 "The Tragic Pivot in David's Life"  *Opening Remarks   * video lesson
Lesson 13 Dec 9): 1 Kings 1:28-40 "The King Who Had It All" *Opening Remarks   *video lesson 
(The Story will continue Dec 30th - Advent bible study is available until then)
Lesson 14 (Dec 30): 1 Kings 12:1-14 "A Kingdom Torn in Two"  *Opening Remarks   *video lesson
Lesson 15 (Jan 6): Hosea 14:1-9 "God's Messengers" *Opening Remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 16 (Jan 13): 2 Kings 19:14-19 & Isaiah 53:1-7, 10-11 "No King  but King God" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 17 (Jan 20):2 Chronicles 36:15-16 & Jeremiah 29:4-14 "The Fall of Judah & The Prophet Jeremiah"  *Opening remarks  * video lesson
Lesson 18 (Jan 27): Daniel 1:1-21 "Daniel in Exile"  *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 19 (Feb 3): Ezra 1:1-8 "Don't Make God's Big Things Small" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 20 (Feb 10): Esther 2:15-23 "The Roll of the Dice" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 21 (Feb 17): Nehemiah 2:11-18 "Rebuilding Walls, Rebuilding Lives" (no recordings this Sunday)
Lesson 22 (Feb 24): Matthew 1:18-25 "The Birth of the King *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 23 (Mar 3): John 1:19-34 "Jesus is a Scary Good" "Opening remarks  "video lesson
Lesson 24: (Mar 10): Matthew 4:12-17 "Jesus and the Kingdom of God" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 25: (Mar 17): Matthew 16:13-28 "Who Is Jesus" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 26: Mar 24): Luke 23:44-47 and John 19:28-30 "The Cross - The Hour of Darkness"  *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 27: (Apr 7): "The Resurrection" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 28: (Apr 14) Acts 1:1-11 "New Beginnings" *Opening remarks  *video lesson
Lesson 29: (Apr 21) Acts 17:16-33 "Paul's Mission" *Opening remarks  *Video lesson
Lesson 30: (Apr 28) 2 Timothy 1:1-7, 2:1-2, 4:6-8 "Paul's Final Day's" *Opening remarks  *Video lesson"
Lesson 31: (May 5th) Revelation 21:1-5, 22:1-5 "Revelation: The End of Time"  *Opening remarks  *Video lesson