Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Saturday, March 01, 2025

Asbury Veteran: Elliott Smith (deceased 2012)

Elliot Smith ready for combat         
Elliot Smith, Army veteran...
Elliot, born in Melrose, MA, graduated from Melrose HS in June, 1943, and at age 18 was drafted into the U.S. Army. He was sent to Ft. Devens, MA, given a physical, military uniforms and a cot. The next day he was awakened at 4 am, told to report to the kitchen for KP and washed dishes all day. That week he was put on a troop train to Camp Stuart, GA, where he joined his outfit 481AAA Battalion Company C (Anti-aircraft 40 mm guns). He was assigned in communications as a radio operator, made Technician 5th Grade (T5) and applied to OCS (Officers Candidate School).
His company was moved to Suffolk Air Base in Long Island to guard the airport in case of invasion.   Next he was transferred to communications school in Ft. Bliss, TX. During school he had the opportunity to go to officer training school in Ft. Benning, GA, where he graduated in May, 1945, as a 2nd Lieutenant and was assigned to Camp Croft, SC. During this stay his unit was sent to Italy, assigned to the 88th Division where he had numerous jobs---tank commander, put in charge of a POW Camp and G1 Personnel.
In December, 1945, he had enough points to receive a discharge from the service and return to the states. In 1946 he decided to stay in the service and was assigned to Camp Campbell, KY, where he was put in charge of mess halls (2). There he met his first wife and returned to marry her in June, 1947. In January, 1947, Elliot was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and was discharged from the U.S. Army in April, 1947, as a Tank Commander. He served in the Reserves and joined the Massachusetts National Guard, Tank Co., 182nd Infantry until transferred to Maine in 1951.
Elliot’s wife, Modene, passed away in 1979. They have 2 sons and 6 grandchildren (living in Atlanta, GA, and Scranton, PA)