Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Friday, February 28, 2025

Denman Evangelism Award 2006

( Note: Photos taken at the event follow the Denman award description)
     John W. Doll, Asbury’s pastor, is the 2006 recipient of the prestigious Denman Evangelism Award. John was presented with the Denman Award June 2, 2006 during the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. His wife, Gwen, and their children, Aaron, Matthew, Robert, and Joseph were in attendance for the evening as he was bestowed this honor.

     The Denman Evangelism Award was established in 1980 and is sponsored by the Foundation for Evangelism of the United Methodist Church to honor pastors and lay persons who are doing the vital work of responsible evangelism. The honor is conferred on one who is effective in developing disciples of Jesus Christ and whose lifestyle provides a witness that brings honor to Christ and the Church.

     The Denman Evangelism Award is a tribute to and honors Harry Denman, once described as the kind of man who could carry the flag at the head of the parade and at the same time beat the drum, setting the cadence of the march. Harry Denman’s leadership in the field of evangelism was unique; he shifted the conversation to the bible, prayer, and the Lord whom he sought to continually serve. He commanded attention by his dedication and singleness of purpose. Harry Denman was truly “a fisher of all persons”. His personal dedication to follow Christ totally, leads others to have total commitment to a life of faith.

     Every community and community of faith has someone who touches the lives of others and encourages them to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Some use words – others use their lives. The Harry Denman Evangelism Award is a tribute to one whose example of selfless service and giving is contagious, who lives and shares the gospel.

     John Doll lives a life that draws others into a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ with consistent and effective teaching and his living example of the spiritual gift of evangelism he has given and shared to his congregation and community. John has an ongoing deep commitment to the work of discipleship among us which envelopes the granting of this most prominent award.

     Congratulations John. We are honored to be embodied by your spirit and love of Jesus Christ.

The 2006 Denman Evangelism Award . . .

Pastor John (2nd from left) . . .

Pastor John receiving Denman Award at the 2006 Conference

Pastor John Doll (the guy with the big smile) with the Award certificate . . .

Pastor John Accepting Denman Award

Pastor John and his wife, Gwen, enjoying the event together. . .

Pastor John and Gwen at Denman Award dinner
Gwen and the boys (along with Susan Stoneback, PPR Chairperson from Asbury) surprised John by showing up for the Denman Award presentation . . .
(John had no idea he was even a candidate for this award, was asked to say the prayer before the group which then turned into a surprise presentation of this prestigious award)
Gwen and boys at Denman Award event