Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Saturday, March 01, 2025

Asbury Vacation Bible School 2013

Asbury's VBS 2013 was another resounding success with over 130 children attending the 5-days of fun and bible study, with another 70+ volunteers leading and supporting that annual event.


Many thanks for all who came out in so many different supporting roles under the leadership of Rebecca M and pastor John.


Asbury Fun Night

Separate from VBS but traditionally held on Tuesday of VBS week, Asbury UMC offered a free community Fun Night under leadership of Pam G and pastor John that attracted an estimated 350 parents and children.  Over 300 hot dogs were served along with sodas, Italian Ice, chips consumed, two huge inflatables and a rock climbing wall (that had lines most of the night), music, face painting, ballooning sculptures, fire engine and police car displays, the evening was topped off with a comedian puppet show that had everyone in stitches of laughter.


Click on the image here to view a VBS video montage of the week:


VBS Parents' Night

On Thursday evening of VBS, there is the traditional parents/grandparents show.  For those who wish to see it again and for families who may not have been able to attend, there are the following unedited (making you feel like you are actually there) video segments to enjoy: